Thursday, 30 August 2007

11 Self-Help Ways To Stay Upbeat and Positive about Life

  1. Humor. If you can laugh at yourself, you can see things in a new perspective as soon as the grumbling is over.
  2. Be grateful. Sure, many things in life bog us down constantly. But it isn’t rocket science that for every existence, there are always 2 sides to everything. If you see something as negative in that one moment, try looking around it and see the positive side of it too. Grumbling that you need to exercise? Aren’t you also feeling grateful that you are able to wrestle with the idea of moving your limbs?
  3. What’s the hurry? The bane of modern day living, our pace unwittingly sped up whether we like it or not. Slow down, enjoy the moment for the next one will not be the same as this one.
  4. Keep it simple. Science tells us that it takes a million years to change one single gene in our body. Studies shows that we make more decisions in one day than people would make in a year 300 years ago. Have we pushed ourselves beyond what we are biologically programmed for?
  5. Self-awareness. It is important to be aware of our own emotions. That way, we can control it rather than let it control you. Recognize what are the causes will also help us fend off negativity as gray skies approaches.
  6. Turn off the goggle-box. Information overload causes stress in an already busy mind. These days, all the tv are blaring are bad news anyway, who needs bad news anyway?
  7. Join a group. Get out of the house and meet people! Interacting with like-minded people and indulging in a favorite activity relaxes the mind and alleviate the spirit.
  8. Get a hug. A human’s touch can increase the feel good hormones in our brains. It gives us the sense of comfort and improves the mood instantly.
  9. Breathe. Many a times, we do not realize that we are holding our breath. Learn how to take deep rhythmic breathing that will clear the mind and boost the energy level.
  10. Smell this. Smells have an impact on our memory and moods. Naturally, smelling something that is your favorite scent or associated with a happy memory will boost your happy hormones.
  11. Flowers. Unless you are allergic to pollen, flowers are sure to brighten anyone’s day. Our eyes are treated to the brilliant colors and our noses are treated to a medley of sweet scents. That is definitely a good way to chase away the blues.

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